Superman Audience versus Batman Audience

SUPER-HEROES HAVE BEEN IN THE NEWS A LOT recently, and it turns out that marketing expert Seth Godin even went so far as to make the Superman/Batman dichotomy relevant to the world of sales.

Imagine, if you will, two kinds of audiences: one filled with buyers like Superman and the other filled with buyers like Batman.  “Batman comes to the world angry,” Godin asserts while acknowledging Bruce Wayne’s sad story.  Superman, though, “comes to our world with his gifts and sees his life as an opportunity and an obligation, one that he embraces.”  Which, do you think, makes the better audience?

Luckily, Godin is up to more than that, as there are more worldviews that just Batman’s or Superman’s.  The number of worldviews is immense, Godin suggests, and we need to find ways to connect with audiences that might come from the same background, have the same goals in mind.

I wonder how you’d sum up the worldview of the Flash?  Heh.

You can read the rest of Seth Godin’s article here.

(Art from, taken from DC Comics’ Superman/Batman by Ed McGuiness)

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